Phillip Vu
15 years old
Vietnamese XD
the likes:
going out
shooting games


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Image © SquareEnix
Not much to post about Zzzzz
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hello bloggers, there isn't much to post about these days.

Wells lets see, my mum is being racist as usual. lol. My dad stays up to watch FIFA and listens to "modern" day songs like lady gaga. My sisters annoying me. So my life is pretty much the same.

Have anyone wondered what happens from 1 billion and something years from now? i mean like, how would they say the year?

"oi bob, what year is it?"
"oh its the year one billion six hundred and fifty two thousand seventy hundred and eighty five."

weird isn't it? lol.

Fitness first was retarded, they ran out of ideas what to do. so they let us go on the tread mills and do stretches.

I miss year 8, less assignments, less exams, less stress, etc etc. the point is, there is less things to worry about. People didn't changed back then. it was an awesome year.

Since i was worried about university, i asked my tutor what university is like?
she said that you can miss classes and you won't get in trouble, it might sound like a good thing but, university always have classes for a reason. if you miss out on a class you are likely to loss on a lot of information you will need for the near future. There are always lots of assignments and stuff. You might not realize it but high school teachers actually helps us a lot since they give us information without asking. But lecturers at universities don't give out information unless you ask for it. (wow that is retarded)

urgh gotta do my English epistolary narrative thingi ma bob. byeee XD

8:22 PM

Monday, June 7, 2010
hi bloggers,
now you are probably expecting me like saying "OMG EXAMS ARE COMING!!" "SO STRESSED" UURGHH I"M GONNA FAIL", etc etc. but noo i'm not going to say that cause i swear to god if someone says that one more time i'm gonna jab them with a teaspoon.

Yay thanks to Danny, Robbin, Daniel and Simmon. They have opened the world of rubiks cube to me. Now i'm obsesed with it >=D. Thank you Daniel for leading me to the shop that sells rubiks cube (WHAT THE... $25 for a rubiks cube???)Yeh i saw one on ebay selling for $100 US dollar. But it is like really pro.

FREAKEN VIRUS (NOO I DO NOT DOWNLOAD PORNOGRAPHY IF SOMEONE IS THINKING THAT),now i have to like reformat my stupid computer, everything is gone, have to do everything again. I had to write out a 400 word essay by hand ==".

Watched IP man 2 yesterday, was so good. hahah love the part when he hits people with the blunt sides of the knives but not actually killing them.

Speaking of kung-fu, i did a little research on how Bruce Lee actually die. They have alot of theories, but the most believable one and most used was that he used too much pain killers which affected his health in some way.

Now, his son Brendon Lee (wow such a creative name of his father), died cause apparently, the "fake gun" that was meant to shoot out blanks in a shooting scene was actually loaded with one real bullet. cause the director wanted real looking bullets, so they bought real ones and just empty out the gun powder, one of which wasn't emptied properly. so the first scene tooken was just a blank shot, but the second one was at the real bullet. so after the director called the scene "cut", Brendon didn't move, that is when they realised he has been shot -sigh- yeh he was pronouced dead at the hospital. Now he is burried next to his father. Pretty sad eh.

Well i should study for my stupid nautral thingi ma bob test. byeee XD

3:48 AM