Phillip Vu
15 years old
Vietnamese XD
the likes:
going out
shooting games


My formspring

April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 October 2010 November 2010 April 2011 May 2011


Image © SquareEnix
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD
Thursday, May 27, 2010
hey people,
Pretty stressed right now, with the analytical science ERT thingy ma bob coming up. UURGHH and Bussiness report. T_T BOOO!

Going to Devina/Walter's birthday thingy (Y) if anyone is wondering. So happy i got invited haha XD

anyways, if you had a power what would it be, is the question of the day. Wells for me, it would be the power to... control time. it would be cool, go to the future, go to the past, pause time :D.i can do lots of things, fail an assessments or exam, go back in time (Y). Get into a fight, pause time when he/she is about to hit you, bring the pricipal to your postition, and... play time XD. too bad my immagination never becomes real. ==" what a bummer.

Lunch was like... what the...
seriously, i find the guy group like saying "oohh shit", so i came to see what the fuss is about. WHY THE HELL IS THERE A PURPLE COMDOM IN THE SCHOOL. urghhh, people these days -face palms-. played handball with Terrence, pshhh Terrence I OWNED YOU, as if you owned me. hahah XD.

Fitness first was soo tiring. when you walk inside the gym, you could feel air conditioner instantly. Then when you do the routines at the gym (push ups, squat, running, weights, etc) you couldn't even feel the air conditioner anymore ahaha. my arms were sooo tired i couldn't even lift them up ahah. Johnny was like pro and hardcore XD. Next day after that (which is today), my body was aching. Urghh. when i move my arms it hurts, when i cough, sneeze, move, my tummy hurts. PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING HURTS. I just hope the pain doesn't affect my assessments or exams.

LOL i'm rambling on too much. I don't even know if anyone reads this blog ahaha. well i gotta go, yes yes very sad, but i gotta do my assessments like every year 10 does. See ya

3:13 AM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
HEY HEY people,
uurgh i'm so stressed, i bet no body cares since they heard that from so many people. anyway, had a haircut... i told my auntie (does hairdressing for a living) to thin out my hair, she is alright. my mum on the other hand had a different perspective... LOL anyway i had the bowl cut as usual. urghhhh.

today, was boring as usual. had maths, music and natural. I chose fitness first (Y) XD warmmmmmm. I don't know why alot of people chose grandilla games at this weather O_O ahaha. LOL LUNCH was really funny. everyone was like chucking 10 cents or so on the ground and most of the guys were like "FIGHT TO THE DEATH" kind of thing for it. ahahaha ADRIAN teabagged someone and the teacher appeared and was like "wtf" and just walked on ahahaha -face palms-. urgh gotta do my natural thingy ma bob. blog to you blogerss later.

3:09 AM

hey hey XD
Thursday, May 13, 2010
hey people,

UUURGHH so much assessments, stupid english and stupid natural...

hmm speaking of science, my tutor, who is a medical student( which is pretty cool), told me that there was this virus or disease (can't remember the name), that mutated and finally mutated to humans. now this is the interesting part. This man caught the virus without even knowing, after a while, the virus affected his brain. So who he was before is gone, so he was like litterally a zombie :S. Then one day he collasped in the hospital. The doctors rushed in, turned him over... BLOOD was everywhere, blood was coming out of his nose, eyes, mouth, ears. 15 doctors were infected during that time. They never found the cure. only one doctor survived. But luckily for us, the virus died itself out. Now it exist in monkeys. yeh sucks to be them.

hmm speaking of zombies, i was highly addicted + scared to this game i downloaded in my ipod. it is called "zombie infection" pretty lame name but it is seriously scary with the sound effects and stuff. like,the song is like nerve racking... u approach the door.... you open it... then all these zombies just like burst out and rush towards you moaning some evil chanting or something... while u are busy shooting theme, one or two zombies just appear from behind and like grabs you. scares me -shudders-

School was boring i guess... finished watching the movie at english. it was an interest movie actually. it is about a town called Mississippi, btw this was in the time where the Negros are racially viewed. anway, there were three right workers that was their duty to make the Negros have the same right as everyone else had. But they were rammed by a car. the car had a siren on it (police). then when they were pulled over. the police had a chat with driver and the other 2 people. then the police just shot the driver... then he laughed and shot the other 2 people and chuckled and walked back in his car with the other police officer. and so the story goes on about two FBI people searching for the killer or killers and the bodies of the right workers. pretty good story for a 1990 movie.

Uurgh i should stop blogging now. lol. i should seriously be doing my letter on english. byeee XD.

2:26 AM

sick and mayfest XD
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
hey bloggers, well I haven't blogged recently, so i'm gonna post what happened in two days.

Day 1:
mayfest was alright, but it wasn't as great as last year. it is like each year, it gets smaller and crapper. Arghhh! terrence made me go on the hurricane ==". AHAH, I shouldn't have drank that can if sprite, it kinda made me feel woozy. we walked around mayfest meeting people. I saw some of my past friends from primary school. Brings back the memories.

Day 2:
uuuurghhh!!! I feel really sick. my throat hurts and my nose is runny DX. So I had to miss out school. yeh, some of u people will say "hey... isn't that a good thing?", well I missed out alot of stuff. i should have been there. Natural science had the heart disection.... English finished off the movie.... and bussiness.... in bussiness we had to work in groups but the teacher only allowed 3 people per group. so since I was away I was kicked out and added to another group that slacks off alot.... far out! I swear I'm being punished. The only good thing about today is that I played games all day, which is a waste of my time anyway. Urgh...

2:37 AM