Phillip Vu
15 years old
Vietnamese XD
the likes:
going out
shooting games


My formspring

April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 October 2010 November 2010 April 2011 May 2011


Image © SquareEnix
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hey bloggers, lol long time since I made a post lately, I was either busy or I cbs posting.

Anyways.... YESH! I finished my analytical EEI, I'm so proud XD. But then... English and maths threw another assessment at me. -sniff sniff-.

Does it suck when u try extremely hard on an assessment, but then u get a C =='. Argh! hate it! T_T

I was on the comp on night, then suddenly I heard this "laughter", the kind of laughter that u hear in scary movies. why do these scary things happen to me. Eh, I got nothing to post so I'm just gonna post some things about me.

I'm a guy who was born on the 26/12/95, yes on boxing day. I get bored very easily, and when I'm bored, don't listern to what I am saying. I just rant on about some random stuff. I was born here, never been overseas. I went to MacGregor Primary. I'm extremely ticklish. that's pretty much it.

Haha I wonder if it is possible to be slip on a banana peel XD ahaha. so gotta go peoples. Byee XD

12:39 AM

Cross Country XD
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
hi people, so how r u people? -oh I forgot, this isn't msn.. - ahaha, so anyways cross country was boring, walked cross country at the beggining, at the end; Terrence, faiz and me raced at the end. I won XD woohoo. played UNO the rest of the cross country it was fun(ish) and a good time waster XD.

After cross county (about time), I played cards again at lunch XD ahahaha. Played tekken 6, wow been a while since I played. Beated Felix XD woohoo.

Played bat n ball, simmon was on steroids as usual. ahahaha, simmom hitted the ball really high, and Daniel thought he was gonna catch it, but he missed and hitted his nuts. LOL u could hear a loud "crack" XD. then Daniel just stayed there on the ground as if he was dead. PWNED.

then we were allowed to have a break, we went to the table tennis place, Daniel tried to win, but got owned anyway, after a while the table tennis teacher was like "WTF? are u even doing this sport?" then we laughed our heads off and walked back to bat n ball.

ahaha that is pretty much my day, byee.

2:29 AM

Drunk Uncle
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
heyyz, school has started XD, pretty boring... English gave me an assessment on the day back... naoooooooo DX. kind of a bummer.

school was boring, like I said... had migoreng for breakfast, btw I'm like sick of it now. I THOUGHT I recharged my iPod, but I actually forgot to turn on the power switch... so LOL. caught the bus, saw robbin, walked to school from Garbo.
let skip the details XD. at lunch Tom lifted Dong like the wrestling people LOL random much...
English... could hardly stay awake, had to keep hitting my arm to stay awake.

noesssss cross country tommorrow DX 3-4 hours in the sun... I might run it if I'm in the mood XD. alot of people are still wagging tommorrow despite mr. cambells warning today. rebel much O.o LOL.

My lil sis (3 years of age) is extremely sick, getting abit worried about her. O.O

ahaha I remember the story of my uncle being drunk.
So any it started like this:
My uncle was finished his lunch and putted down his chopsticks, but for some odd reason the chopsticks seems to be standing up by itself, he was really freaked out and stuff, he thought it was a ghost XD. but after the drunkness finally wore off, the chopsticks were leaning against a glass door XD LOL. ahahas

12:31 AM

an average boring day =='
Monday, April 12, 2010
helloo bloggers, oh noess, last day of holidays DX. where did my week ago? DX. so anyways my day was the same as usual. had breakfast at 11:30 am (yes.. I have breakfast when everyone else is having lunch XD), brushed my teeth, did my eei, went on msn and blogged. I was expecting for something really fun on the last day... oh well XD. naooooooo cross country, staying out in the sun for 3 hours... naoooooooo! DX. but I got one thing that makes me happy.... ICECREAM XD. oh gtg byee XD TACOS

2:18 AM

My mum is racist
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Hey people, with the holidays almost comming to the end, I'm looking forward with the stacks of homework and assessments they are gonna throw at my face. IT IS GONNA BE GREAT FUN XD ... not. lol so anyway, well today I realised something, my mum is racist.., she goes on and on and on about she hates telemarketers accent... well I don't know mum, MAYBE, just maybe cause THAT IS HOW THEY TALK. she also she hates lleyton hewitt for some reason.... sigh, my mum hates random people for some reason, she says he looks stupid =='. She even hates Bindi Irwin O.O. AHAHA . some reason she doesn't pick on azn people. hmmmm I wonder why XD. well peoples I'm beggining to bore myself, so byee XD.

8:05 PM

Friday, April 9, 2010
hey bloggers, i was bored on day(not suprised) and I came accross this funny list of 101 ways to annoy people, here are just five

1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage."

3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."

4. Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeep Bip..."

5. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to

LOL so anyway I find number 5 was funny, anyways if u people want to read more of this list cuz of pure boredom, here is the link:

8:24 PM

first post XD
Thursday, April 8, 2010
well today was my dad's birthday so the family went to some vietnamese/Chinese fancy resturant. Had lobster (first time), I thought it would have tasted better =='... oh well XD. Anyways I realised that watching a scary movie + while the room is dark = staying up all night. anyways, the whole day my lil sisters were watching Dora the explorer and Hi-5 LOL, I'm kinda brainwashed right now XD. Alice in Wonderland was an alright movie, except for the ending. I think they kinda rushed the ending... well my friends think it was alright to walk from the city to southbank... ==' I guess that is what happens when u follow the person infront of u XD. ah crap, analytical eei, haven't even started plus I haven't even started on my tutor science homework... so much to do, but cbs doing them. well, my dad thought it was alright to listern to video clips of LADY GAGA... yes LADY GAGA!! I am like hearing all these rumours of lady gaga being a man O.o ahahas. so hot today T_T lucky I got icecream and air conditioner XD. I recieved my report card yesterday... my parents were like "wow, look at this awesome report card, BOY! do we have a good son! he is gonna have a good future! (patted my head) atta boy!" btw that was fully bs. but my mum only yelled at me for 2 min O.o that ain't normal, it usually last for a week or so. yay! oh wells gotta go, byee. :D

5:39 AM