Phillip Vu
15 years old
Vietnamese XD
the likes:
going out
shooting games


My formspring

April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 October 2010 November 2010 April 2011 May 2011


Image © SquareEnix
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Hello everyone,

Hahahaha wednesday was so funny. For clan period we had a sex education for an hour, man the speaker is so funny. Man was it awkward or what, he even drew a penis on the whiteboard XD and made epic sound effects.

Sigh economics presentation tomorrow, so nervous. I have to make an oral presentation about superannuation and explain how it works and what it is. Luckily my uncle is an accountant, so he is able to help me BUT since he was born in Vietnam... he had the most Vietnamese accent while speaking English XD it was seriously hard not to laugh and hard to understand but at the end at the day, i was able to obtain the information i wanted.

MV of the post is... -drum roll-
Bye Bye by SS501

hahah yes it is very old, but surprisingly not many people have heard of it. Weird aye?

11:13 PM

Monday, May 16, 2011
hello anyone who is out there reading this,

Well as you guys know, this term is going to pass very quick which would be a good thing right? ya know, get this year over and done with, reach holidays faster and all. But the thing is, that once this term ends then we are half year of 2011. that means only 1 and a half years of my childhood left -or whats left of it-

Now, i'm been jumping everywhere now, not sure of what career i want, first it was a doctor -parents choice of course-, then it was dentist, then radiation therapist, dentist again and now, i'm stumped since i quit outta biology. I hope i will be able to see my future sooner or later.

Wow, university, its closer than i think it is, its within grasp. I remember when i was in primary school, not giving a dam how the time passes, i just want it to be 3 pm and just run outta the school. Now, i don't have that much time left to enjoy that anymore. Primary school, i forgot more than 3/4 of my friends there and some i never got to meet again and perhaps never will, so what if i were to move to university? would i remember my high school friends? will i ever see them again? I sure hope so, but sometimes we don't get what we wish for.

Song for this blog post:
Fall Out Boy - Thanks For The Memories

Surprised that i'm not listening to k-pop? hahahahah well, i guess its time to do something different ;D

10:24 AM

Saturday, April 30, 2011
hello, so what happened lately was that i managed to change biology to maths A :D, muahahahaha. The people in Biology were calling me a rage quitter or ditcher hhahahha.

Dude, to change outta biology to maths A, i need to hand it in to the deputy and he was like saying that i gotta get a high mark and that it is harder than i thought. <--- that made me sh#% my pants. But then the day after that i went into Maths A, luckily i know some people phew. it was actually easy, we are like learning percentages atm and the teacher was really emphasising the questions a lot. Trying to make it sound harder than it is -,- . Hahaha i was the only one that had a graphics calculator in the class, made me feel like a nerd.

Anyways, i had to shift English to a different period to fit the timetable. So i had to leave english class to.... Danny T.'s English class. -DUN DUN DUUUUN- no don't worry folks, i'll be alright... but not for long. haha just kidding danny T.

Hmm, i've been listerning to this song, its pretty good, listern or DIE!

anyways gtg goodbye, enjoy ur nightmares

1:20 AM

sooo sleepy
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Hey guys, long time since i ever blogged.

What happened so far was that a week ago i thought i was free from the heavy chain of assessments and exams just to wind up with freaken biology eei... its evil, making me stay up till like 2 am each day for 5 days now, trying to cram it in.

The other day maths assessment was due and i didn't even sleep at all. Its horrible, your eyes burn, you feel sick, your eyes are really heavy and all you want to do is just take a long 6 billion year nap.

After this week, i will be a free person.... till the holiday ends. God, that is it, after this, i am not gonna procrastinate anymore during exams and assessment time, all full on studying and be a successful nerd.

On the positive note, Terence shouted me 20 cents today. YAY!

6:22 AM

time to post
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wells sincei haven't blogged lately, i decided i shall blog :D

Well today was alright, except for EXAMS and ASSESSMENTS! D: GAY
Today, my natural teacher decided to inform the class that we are going to seaworld. yay i'm tottally going :D well i emailed my nat teacher my rough draft EEI then i also handed my rough draft bussiness brochure, wah so busy. then now i'm doing tutor homework T^T gayyyyyyy.

gtg i'm hungry LOL

12:31 AM

No more braces :D
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
hello peoples, well as some of you know, i took my braces off! muahaha. i can now eat from an apple normally (i don't even eat apples much), i can now drink soft drinks without a straw, brush my teeth properly, food doesn't get stuck, etc. but instead of braces i got stupid retainers D=< these stupid retainers are like rubbing against my tongue. long story short, it is the most annoyingest thing. and... they say, i might be keeping this retainer for the rest of my life....!!!!! D:

1:05 AM

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wells, holidays has ended and teachers are chucking assignments and hwk at me (not like i do any homework, except for ms thiris, IT IS A MUST for ms thiris or else i die). Wells, maths assessment i almost finished, haven't even started analytical, just reading english play and music...

music i apparently have to record myself playing any music i like and then edit it using some high tech program then burn it into a CD then make a cover.... Then i make some bio about myself lol. Wells for the song, i decided to play Wedding Dress XD bwahahaha. I shall blog when i got something worth to blog about. byebye

3:25 AM